TIAGo Disinfection developed by local partnership & tested at Generalitat de Catalunya

TIAGo Disinfection robot helps to keep workspaces disinfected and safe

The TIAGo Disinfection is a mobile disinfection robot that navigates autonomously, which allows it to work and plot the best possible route to ensure the total disinfection of space using germicidal ultraviolet lights. The solution has been tested in the facilities of the Administrative District of the Generalitat de Catalunya (Government of Catalonia), in Barcelona. The aim of the test was to validate the viability of the robotic solution for future implementation in the office space.

The autonomous robot TIAGo Disinfection is a solution developed by PAL Robotics and E. Vila Projects for the automated disinfection of indoor environments. The solution has been developed to be an optimal and efficient solution to perform the tasks of cleaning and disinfecting public and private interior spaces. As well as saving time, optimizing resources and reducing the risk for workers. The TIAGo Disinfection solution is already on offer commercially and suitable for implementation in hospitals, laboratories, offices and other environments.

 TIAGo-Disinfection presented and tested at the Catalan Generalitat

Given the pandemic situation we have been experiencing since March 2020, and especially at the present time, in which staff are gradually returning to offices, companies and institutions are very interested in adapting their protocols. The TIAGo Disinfection solution helps to keep workspaces disinfected so that both workers and visitors can use them safely.

Check out how TIAGo Base was adapted to fight the pandemic.

The solution has been tested in the facilities of the Administrative District of the Generalitat de Catalunya thanks to a pilot test promoted by the Departament de la Vicepresidència i de Polítiques Digitals i Territori (Digital Policies department).

This is the result of the pilot test promoted by the department, through the Directorate General of Innovation and Digital Economy and the Directorate of Innovation and Data of the CTTI, with the aim of testing the viability of a robotic solution for the autonomous disinfection of indoor environments.

After evaluating the results of the test, it has been verified that the automation of the disinfection of interior space with the TIAGo Disinfection solution has a number of advantages such as:

  • Allows faster and more frequent disinfection than with traditional methods
  • Allows access to contaminated areas, protecting personnel from high-risk areas and cross-contamination
  • It offers simple management through an application capable of controlling, validating and modifying tasks remotely with any mobile device, tablet or computer
  • Easy implementation (1 day) Installation is quick and easy thanks to the web interface, it does not require prior technical knowledge, nor does it require adaptation of the environment
  • No chemical product is used in disinfection, nor does it generate any environmental waste.

Test of TIAGo disinfection robot platform in a corridor

How does the TIAGo Disinfection robot work?

TIAGo Disinfection has a module of germicidal UV-C emitters, designed by E. Vila Projects, integrated into the upper part of the PAL Robotics’ TIAGo Base, an Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR) that navigates autonomously. This integration allows the disinfection of interior space with monitoring of the task and without the need for people to supervise the robot in action. 

To know more about Autonomous Mobile Robots, read about PAL Robotics at Advanced Factories 2021.

On TIAGo Disinfection, through the use of the emitter module, the DNA of microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses and fungi is altered and their nucleic acids are destroyed, deactivating them, so that they become incapable of carrying out their vital functions. These microorganisms are rendered harmless within seconds once exposed to UV-C radiation.

See the video of the pilot test carried out in the spaces of the Generalitat de Catalunya below.

Catalan organisations collaborate to develop new solutions during the pandemic

The development of this solution has been developed and integrated by two local companies. PAL Robotics, a leading service robotics company in Barcelona, started more than 17 years ago with the aim of offering service robotics platforms that improve the quality of people’s daily lives. PAL Robotics designs and produces highly integrated and reliable solutions for service industries and research institutions worldwide.

E. Vila Projects, a company based in Sant Fruitós de Bages, Catalonia, was created in 2008 and is made up of multidisciplinary professionals with more than 20 years of experience. The company offers improvement in industrial processes through technology with infrared, ultraviolet and LED rays. In the wake of COVID-19, the company has intensified its efforts in the fight against pandemics, patenting several solutions.

Just one year ago, in autumn 2020, PAL Robotics and E. Vila Projects began working together on this robotic solution, designed to disinfect interior spaces. The public-private collaboration that has allowed testing the solution in a real public environment is part of the support of the Generalitat de Catalunya, through the Digital Policies department and within the framework of the Artificial Intelligence Strategy of Catalonia – for the development and implementation of advanced digital technologies in Catalonia and the integration of the automation of technological and robotic solutions in public environments.

If you would like to learn more about TIAGo Disinfection robot, visit the logistics section in our website to read more.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team to ask more about how TIAGo Disinfection is able to help keep your organisation safe.

Read more about other integrations on TIAGo Base robot in our previous post about TIAGo Base at MAPCABLE.

If this article was informative, don’t miss out our other blog posts on robotics and technology!

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