Logo Usage
Welcome! This page is here to help you download our official logos and understand how to use them correctly.
Download our logo library (PNG, SVG & EPS)

Background Compatibility
Choose the appropriate logo version based on your background.

White version:
- Dark background
- Solid Color background
- Colorful background
Midnight version:
- Light solid background (up to 20%)
- Light Photographic background
Peach Version:
- Light solid background (up to 20%)
- Light Photographic background
Our brand colors help create a cohesive and recognizable look. We have primary colors that define our brand identity and secondary colors that complement them.
Secondary colors
These complement the primary palette and provide flexibility for different design needs. They can be used to add depth and variation while maintaining a cohesive brand experience.
Colors Table
Colors | Web | Pantone | RGB | CMYK |
Peach | #FFA77C | 163 C | 249 / 166 / 125 | 0 / 42 / 51 / 0 |
Midnight | #122930 | 546 C | 18 / 41 / 48 | 87 / 66 / 59 / 63 |
Cool Grey | #F8F9FA | Cool Gray 1 C | 248 / 249 / 250 | 3 / 2 / 2 / 0 |
Geranium | #ff576b | 1777 C | 255 / 87 / 107 | 0 / 66 / 58 / 0 |
Future | #9980ff | 265 C | 153 / 128 / 255 | 40 / 50 / 0 / 0 |
Liberty | #4fc4ad | 3258 C | 79 / 196 / 173 | 60 / 0 / 12 / 23 |
Feel free to use these resources to keep things looking sharp and on-brand.
After all, even robots need the right code to operate smoothly!