Safe digital transition of manufacturing industry through project SeCoIIA

The European Project SeCoIIA

The European Union (EU) project SeCoIIA (Secure Collaborative Intelligent Industrial Assets) we are a partner in is focussed on aeronautics, automotive and naval construction, as well as a secure digital transition of their manufacturing industry processes.
New technologies with the use of the Industrial Internet of things (IIoT), automation of production, new intelligent assets, and competitiveness for European industry bring with them new risks involving the field of security and machine-based decision making.

During the SeCoIIA project, launched at the end of last year and which will run until January 2022, pilot users will assess 12 main capabilities through three demonstration campaigns. The demonstration campaigns aim to solve initial challenges, for example by using smart sensors on factory floors, security monitoring, and incident response to ensure improved safety.

Project pilots in aerospace and maritime industries

In order to automate further the production line, more flexible and collaborative robots are needed. In the aerospace industry the project is piloting collaborative robots that are ready to support human operations in drilling. Whilst, in the maritime industry, an industrial robotic arm is being used for laser cutting of metal ship hulls, along with smart detection agents and cyber monitoring.

There are 12 partners in this project from across Europe, including PAL Robotics. These partners are: Airbus FR, Continental DE, Naval Group FR, Airbus DE, ISEP Institute, The Fraunhofer Institute, VTT Technical Research Centre FI, The KU Leuven Centre for IT and IP Law Belgium, SystemX FR, SISTRADE Software Portugal, PAL Robotics and Forescout Technologies BV.

PAL Robotics’ role in the project

At PAL Robotics we are contributing to the aeronautic and naval use cases, which includes working with Airbus and Naval Group. In these use cases, we are deploying robots that:

  • Might be adapted to different tasks without environment modifications
  • Are able to work side by side and learn from human workers
  • Generate data to be post-processed with AI algorithms to optimize factory processes

Our robot TIAGo is taking part in these use cases. TIAGo is customisable and able to support extensions such as arms or wrists to aid research projects in areas including factories of the future and ambient assisted living.

The mobile manipulator robot TIAGo with an operator during Project SeCoIIA
Project goals and collaborations

The overall project objectives of the SeCoIIA project include:

  • Adoption of smart collaborative manufacturing industry techniques
  • Identifying and preventing threats to collaborative manufacturing environments
  • Creating trust across smart manufacturing
  • Reducing decision time and response cost
  • Improving coordination of safety and security teams
  • Securing machine decision making
  • Adapting regulatory framework and enforcing the law.

During the project, Organization to Organization (O2O), Machine to Machine (M2M), Machine to Human (M2H) and Human to Human (H2H) collaboration will take place. Monitoring and control will be supported by intelligent applications using digital twinning, IIoT, industrial AI, cloud manufacturing and collaborative robotics.

The main project goal is to shape more connected, flexible and automated production techniques in the manufacturing industry. New technologies such as Big data, Learning from Demonstration and data-lake mining will be used in this project to optimize the industrial processes and ease decision making.

In addition to the SeCoIIA project, we work on many EU-funded projects covering areas such as smart cities, factories of the future and Artificial Intelligence (AI).
We are always on the look for new potential partners, to find out more about EU funded projects or request information, visit PAL Robotics’ collaborative projects webpage and don’t hesitate to visit our contact page and get in touch with PAL!

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