“Get started with TIAGo” in our free webinar

Who is the TIAGo webinar for?

Our webinar “Get started with TIAGo” on Tuesday 2nd March 2021 at 12pm (CET), is the introduction you’re looking for to find out how to use our most popular research platform and mobile manipulator, TIAGo. The free webinar with limited places includes:

  • A live demo with our robot TIAGo for you to discover the robot’s key features
  • Your questions answered in a Q&A session
  • Free training materials on getting started with TIAGo

During the live demo, presented by Sofia Battilana and Daniel Lopez Puig, we will demonstrate TIAGo’s capabilities and will share insights on using TIAGo by our Robotics Software Engineer, Daniel.

Our live webinar on TIAGo, in which you’ll have the chance to learn how to get started with our most popular research platform, will be the start of a webinar series that will continue throughout the year. We kick off this series with TIAGo, to address some of the questions we often receive on the platform.

If you are interested in getting started with our research robot TIAGo, including finding out about the robot’s key features and how to use them, this webinar is for you.

In the webinar we will tell you more about how to use TIAGo for navigation, manipulation, perception and HRI, including showing you some of TIAGo’s achievements in recent hackathons and competitions.

Tell me more about TIAGo

Our versatile TIAGo platform (which stands for Take It And Go) is ready to adapt to meet your research needs and not the other way around. The TIAGo robot combines perception, navigation, manipulation & Human-Robot Interaction skills out of the box. Perception abilities include facial recognition, emotion recognition and people tracking, and TIAGo has autonomous navigation and localization, mapping and obstacle avoidance accessed through ROS.

For manipulation – TIAGo’s arm has a large manipulation workspace, being able to reach the ground as well as high shelves. The end effector can either be a gripper or a humanoid hand and they can both be quickly exchanged.

Where is TIAGo used?

The robot is a mobile manipulator and modular platform well-suited to applications in the healthcare sector and light industry. Our customers, including research institutions and universities, as well as collaborative research projects use TIAGo for research in areas including:

  • HRI (Human-robot interaction)
  • Collaborative Robotics
  • Deep Learning
  • Manipulation and Touch
  • Industry 4.0. and Factories of the Future
  • Smart Cities and IoT
  • Ambient Assisted Living

Examples of TIAGo use cases

At The University of Leeds, TIAGo has taken part in the RoboCup @Home Education Challenge and in simulations. Dr Matteo Leonetti of the university told us, “the tools that PAL Robotics provides for robot simulation are key to being able to work remotely. I also make full use of robot simulation in allowing students to be able to experiment safely. This lets the students have a working simulated 3D TIAGo robot in no time, which is crucial for teaching.”

TIAGo is helping the IFE (Institute for Energy Technology) in Norway explore HRI (Human-robot interaction) and human perceptions of robots. At the IFE TIAGo is part of the Interactive Robots project, exploring the collaboration between robots and humans. Alexandra Fernandez at the IFE explained, “we are exploring scenarios of interaction, targeting the robot appearance (humanoid vs non-humanoid) as a main variable. We will explore how appearance impacts the participants’ attitudes, perceptions (where perceived safety is a relevant issue), and collaborative intentions, as well as expectations on robots’ capabilities and usefulness.”

In collaborative research project for industry 4.0, SeCoIIA, focussed on aeronautics, automotive and naval construction, and a secure digital transition of their manufacturing industry processes, TIAGo also features. TIAGo is taking part in aeronautic and naval use cases which includes working with Airbus and Naval Group. In these use cases, TIAGo is adapted to do different tasks without the need for environment modifications, working side by side and learning from human workers, and generating data to be post-processed with AI algorithms to optimize factory processes.

How do I join the TIAGo webinar?

To find out more about TIAGo, make sure you sign-up today for the free webinar “Get started with TIAGo” and save your place as spaces are limited. The webinar details are:

  • Tuesday 2nd March 2021
  • 12pm – 1pm CET (Central European Time)
  • Sign up

To find out more about PAL Robotics and the different TIAGo customizations available including TIAGo Titanium, TIAGo Steel, TIAGo Iron and TIAGo ++, visit our website. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any questions. Do not forget to visit and read extensive our blog posts on robotics and technology!

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