Report from Enrico Mingo Hoffman
Our employee, Enrico Mingo, who started his career at PAL Robotics as an intern, has recently graduated from the Sapienza University in Rome. Hereby his findings:
My name is Enrico Mingo, a student of the Master of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, from Sapienza University of Rome. I spent six months doing my thesis at PAL Robotics in Barcelona. The subject of my thesis project was SLAM in large, crowded, multi-floor environments. This project was supervised by Prof. Giuseppe Oriolo coordinator of the Robotics Laboratory of “La Sapienza”. Here I had the opportunity to work with The Navigation Team, and in particular with Luca Marchionni who was the co-supervisor of my thesis project.
Luca Marchionni, Enrico Mingo and Francesco Ferro (CEO of PAL Robotics) at La Sapienza in Rome
Since SLAM in large environment (and for large we consider more than 10000 m2) is yet a challenging problem, we addressed this problem by dividing the environment in small maps during the mapping process. Once the mapping process is finished using an optimization library (g2o) we refine the relative pose of every submap to obtain a good reconstruction of the whole environment.
Enrico Mingo, during the presentation of his thesis at La Sapienza in Rome
Working in PAL Robotics was great not only for the experience that I earned but also because I had the possibility to work using one of the coolest robot ever: the REEM! Indeed I did a lot of experiments also out of the PAL Robotics offices: for example in L’Illa and in Ficomic.
At present I am a PAL Robotics employee and I am continuing working on navigation and perception. See you at PAL Robotics!
To know more, come and check out our blog on robotics and don’t hesitate to contact us for any curiosity you might have!
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