Project overview

Project PERSEO (European Training Network on PErsonalized Robotics as SErvice Oriented applications) aims to train a new generation of research and professional figures to address research challenges in the market of personal robots. Personal robotics poses challenges related to the need for high degrees of behavior personalization to meet user needs and preferences. PERSEO seeks to develop a research community to investigate different robot capabilities for understanding human interaction and adapting behavior to each context.

4 M
project funding
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countries involved

Our Role

PAL Robotics will participate in Early Stage Research training and Human Action Learning and Physical Capabilities Modelling within PERSEO. Specifically, we will focus on user-centered design and development of novel imitation learning techniques to enhance the TIAGo robot. The goal is to learn human actions while modeling physical capabilities and upgrading robot hardware and software accordingly.

Key responsibilities

  • Participating in PERSEO to address research challenges in personal robotics.
  • Focusing on Early Stage Research training and Human Action Learning.
  • Developing novel imitation learning techniques to enhance the TIAGo robot’s capabilities.
  • Upgrading robot hardware and software based on experimental results to improve performance.
