4 min read
Project SANDRo2: addressing challenges in healthcare through robotics
Developing a new gripper and a more versatile base for TIAGo robot In 2021 PAL Robotics started a partnership together…
7 min read
Project NeuTouch: latest research on object placing and grasping controllers
Project NeuTouch: the conclusion Within the project NeuTouch, Luca Lach is working on research on the importance of tactile sensing…
5 min read
TIAGo with ROS Noetic: now available for your research
Discover TIAGo Gallium We are happy to announce that TIAGo the mobile manipulator is now available with ROS Noetic –…
5 min read
Project CANOPIES: TIAGo++ starts work in an Italian vineyard
Project CANOPIES: TIAGo++ starts work in an Italian vineyard PAL Robotics is part of the EU project CANOPIES: with the…
8 min read
Developing TIAGo for the Factory of the Future through SeCoIIA and CyberFactory#1
The mobile manipular TIAGo robot and the factory of the future The growth of Industry 4.0 is having a major…
6 min read
RO-MAN 2021: Robot and Human Interactive Communication including Roboethics
RO-MAN 2021: HRI, Social Robotics, and Roboethics RO-MAN 2021 (IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication) is coming…
10 min read
Carme Torras talks about AI, ethics, and research including our robot TIAGo
Professor Torras talks with us CSIC Research Professor at the Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial in Barcelona, Carme Torras…
6 min read
ERF 2021: humanoids, robots for agri-food, adapting to pandemic situations and more, e-meet us there!
The PAL Robotics team will host these workshops at the ERF 2021 This year’s ERF (European Robotics Forum) virtual event…