Fast Deployment of AVs in Hospitals

Project overview

The "Fast Deployment of AVs in Hospitals" project, a collaboration between PAL Robotics and Accerion, introduces TIAGo Delivery - an autonomous robot for efficient supply transportation. With modular hardware and advanced positioning technology, it reduces caregiver workload, minimizes infection risks, and enhances patient care by automating tasks like delivering medication and supplies.

19.5 M
project funding
partners involved
countries involved
Fast Deployment of AVs in Hospitals

Our Role

PAL Robotics led the development and deployment of the autonomous TIAGo Delivery robot as part of the “Fast Deployment of AVs in Hospitals” project. By providing an efficient logistics solution, PAL Robotics helped healthcare workers to focus on critical patient care by making repetitive task handling more efficient and enhancing hospital operations.

Key responsibilities

  • Design and develop the TIAGo Delivery robot, focusing on autonomous navigation and obstacle avoidance in hospital environments.
  • Ensure the robot’s hardware and software are modular, enabling easy upgrades and adaptation to hospital needs.
  • Work with Accerion to integrate advanced positioning technology, allowing for fast setup and deployment in healthcare facilities.
